Look to the hills with dread: Salmmonaksa has arrived.

Welcome to the March 11th stop on the blog tour for The Mark of the Unseen God by Benjamin Patterson with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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About the Book

The Mark of the Unseen God
Markulian Prophecies Book Three
by Benjamin Patterson
Published 1 October 2024
Tellwell Talent
Genre: Fantasy
Page Count: 479
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Look to the hills with dread: Salmmonaksa has arrived. His armies swarm like a plague of locusts. As the emperor prepares for his final assault, the Home City trembles. Overrun by desperate refugees, the monarchs have gathered to plot their defence. High King Eldilin is back at the helm, but there’s no food and no answers.
Princess Kathryn has not given up hope. Lying on a cot in her room is the man destined to save the realm. They desperately need him, and for the prophecies to prove themselves true, but he will not wake no matter how much she prays. Even if he did, he cannot do it alone. Many more will die, that is certain.
The Mark of the Unseen God is the final instalment of the Markulian Prophecies, a refreshingly original tale set in a breathtaking medieval world. To rid realm of evil, everything will be required. There is no peace without sacrifice, and no love without loss. May who they are and what they have be enough.
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‘There was a moment yesterday when he almost looked happy,’ she said, picturing her brother’s face. ‘He stepped off that carriage with you by his side. There was vigour there. Then he saw me, and the old Eldilin returned. Queen, I don’t know what you did to him out there through the winter, but he’s going to need more of it.’
‘All I did was love him, as a good wife should. Together we forgot about the world and its problems, if only for a moment.’ Kathryn laughed. This new sister of hers was a ray of sunshine amidst the storms. ‘Knowing my brother, that is a prodigious feat you accomplished.’
Cheeks reddening, Jaithe brushed the compliment aside. ‘Underneath all that self-loathing and responsibility, there’s a pleasant man in there. One who I’ve enjoyed getting to know.’
‘Oh, that’s beautiful.’ Kathryn hugged her new family. Taken aback, it took a moment for Jaithe to relax and return the embrace. ‘I’m so glad he found someone who sees him as I do. Your presence in our lives is Manfred’s parting gift. I have a feeling you’ll be the centrepiece of his legacy.’
‘Wow.’ Now it was Jaithe’s turn to fight back emotion. ‘And to think I had been nervous to meet you. Eldilin was right, you’re the kindest person in the kingdom.’
Kathryn laughed. ‘And don’t you forget it.’
About the Author
Benjamin Patterson lives in North Queensland, Australia with his wife and four children. When not writing, arguing with pilots or volunteering, he’s battling a life-controlling addiction to sport, an addiction his poor wife has discovered is easily passed from father to sons.
The Mark of the Unseen God completes his first fantasy trilogy. He hopes you enjoyed reading it as much as he enjoyed writing it. Writing is not easy. Without the encouragement of friends and family, the series would never have made it to print.
Though the series has sold well, Benjamin remains about one million book sales short of his goal. You can help him fulfill his goal, and encourage him to finish his next writing project, by writing rave reviews in every forum available and catching up with him on Facebook and stay tuned…
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Giveaway Alert!
Benjamin Patterson will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.
January 21: Sandra’s Book Club
January 28: A Wonderful World of Words
January 28: Long and Short Reviews
February 4: Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews
February 11: The Avid Reader
February 11: Author C.A.Milson
February 18: Gina Rae Mitchell
February 25: Fabulous and Brunette
March 4: Read Your Writes Book Review
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This should be a very interesting novel. Thanks for sharing.
This is an interesting genre and the cover is compelling.