This is the worst day of her life… or is it?

Welcome to one of the November 29th stops on the blog tour for My Big Heart-Shaped Fail by Cindy Callaghan with Silver Dagger Book Tours (schedule linked.) Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for more spotlights, reviews, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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About the Book

My Big Heart-Shaped Fail
A Tween Comedy of Errors
by Cindy Callaghan
Published 13 September 2022
Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary Fiction
Page Count: 194
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Award-winning middle-grade novel from the author of Just Add Magic and Saltwater Secrets…
In this hourly time-stamped, action-packed tween comedy of errors, Abby Gray, feeling weighed down by her secrets and lies, lets five balloons float into the sky with her deepest secrets attached to them in a desperate attempt to clear her conscience. Her relief is short-lived, though: the next day, those balloons start dropping one by one at her school, revealing Abby’s innermost thoughts to both friends and frenemies and creating hilarious misinterpretations of crushes amongst her peers.
This is the worst day of her life… or is it? Before the last bell rings, Abby manages to integrate the oddball who is blackmailing her into her friend group and to fix the mix-ups the notes have caused—not only getting couples back together but also making a few new love matches—and finally comes clean as the author of the notes that have created such chaos.
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The temperature dove below zero and snow flurries whirled, but my mom braved the cold and helped me haul boxes of decorations into school.
“Thanks,” I said as she dropped a bag from the Donut Hole into the last box for me to manage on my own. The Hole was right next to the school and, like most kids, we often stopped and grabbed breakfast on our way to school.
My math teacher, Mr. Valdez, pulled his pickup truck into the parking lot. Mom waved and flashed him her signature smile, which she always has even when she’s tired from working late into the night.
She kissed her hand and touched my cheek with it. As she left, she called to Mr. Valdez, “Have a nice day.”
He waved to her with his free hand while the other fiddled with his car’s antenna.
“What’s that?” I called to him.
“Oh, nothing.” He put something in his pocket, walked over to me, and put a red ribbon into my box. “Here, I think maybe you or someone dropped this.”
“Uh, thanks,” I said, but I hadn’t been near his car, so I don’t see how I could’ve dropped it there. Maybe a stray piece of ribbon blew over.
“Go on inside before you freeze,” he said, his eyes following my mom’s car as it pulled out.
It was impossible not to notice the school office since it was overflowing with balloons. A delivery guy walked in behind me with another bunch.
“I’ll take those,” I offered, and towed a bunch of balloons to the gym along with my box. It was going to take a lot of trips to transport the rest of the delivery from the office.
Jess and Paige had started early and already striped one entire wall with red and white streamers. It looked great, like peppermint sticks, except they’d made ten stripes, while peppermint sticks had eleven, my favorite of all the prime numbers. I figured I’d add one more stripe later when no one was around. There was no need to be inaccurate.
Paige beamed at the balloons. “Yay! They’re here.” She looked behind me and the smile drained from her face. “Where’s the guy?”
“What guy?” I asked.
“Didn’t the party store send a balloon-arch-maker guy?”
“No guy,” I said.
Logan Murphy swaggered in behind me. “I’m a guy.” This was the understatement of the trimester. Logan wasn’t just any guy. He was Mount Lebanon Middle School’s “It Guy.” Logan worked in the school office on his free periods, like now, which gave him access to hall passes, which was a big deal. At The Mount, hall passes were gold.
“Hi Abby,” he said to me without a hint of flirtation, yet I felt my cheeks blush.
All the girls at The Mount liked Logan. So far, he hadn’t asked anyone to the dance, and lots of girls were holding out in hopes he’d ask them.
“How’s it going?” I asked.
Before he could answer, Jess said, “Well, that’s not gonna work. Logan can’t build a balloon arch. He couldn’t even build an Egyptian pyramid out of Legos in Social Studies.”
Logan said, “Legos are rectangles and pyramids are triangles, so it’s not as easy as it sounds.”
As if Jess hadn’t heard his defense, she said to me and Paige, “Look, he might have an awesome smile and be captain of the basketball team, but he is NOT a balloon arch builder. We need a professional.” Then, she added, “Just sayin’.”
Logan didn’t seem offended. “You don’t have to apologize for thinking I have an awesome smile. People tell me that a lot.” He showed off the famous grin. Geez, he was cute.
“Okay,” Paige said. “Slight problem with the crème de la crème of our decorations. And as chairwoman, I have a solution. We’re going to make this arch ourselves with directions I’m going to download and print right now.”
Nothing would stand in Paige Bakenya’s way of transforming this gym into a Peppermint Twist Dance Wonderland.
“Okay committee, stripe the next wall. I’ll be back before you can say ‘peppermint.’” With that, she took the one coveted hall pass Mr. Valdez had given us for the day.
“I’ll let you girls handle this stripe business,” Logan said, “and I’ll get more balloons from the office.”
“Paige just took the hall pass,” Jess said.
He chuckled. “Dude, it’s me. I navigate these halls like a stealth weapon.” On his way out, he was decked by Chloe, who entered the gym dancing and singing.
“What the heck?” Logan asked, picking himself up and wiping gym floor dust off his basketball shorts—yeah, he wore shorts all winter.
Chloe ignored him. “He likes me!” she said and twirled.
“Uh, yeah, so I’m outta here.” Logan left the gym.
“Who?” Jess and I asked.
Chloe said, “Tao.”
WTW? Paige’s Tao?
This was shocking. So shocking that I couldn’t get words out to ask for clarification.
Chloe continued pirouetting, as if she were in a magical love trance. “I love love. Don’t you?”
Luckily, Paige wasn’t around to hear this because she would’ve choked on her Peppermint Twist planner at the idea that her boyfriend, who she’d recently kissed for the first time, liked Chloe. This was so Chloe to stir up drama.
Jess asked, “What are you talking about?”
“You heard me right. Sorry for your friend Paige—actually, sorry, I’m not sorry—but here’s the harsh reality, Jessica Sawyer: Tao likes me.”
Lots of girls were jealous of Paige. She was pretty, friendly to new kids, handed in assignments early, and had the best-decorated locker. She always shared her homemade cookies with everyone, and somehow they always seemed just out of the oven, even when it was late in the day. It was a mystery no one’s ever been able to solve.
“Everyone knows Tao and Paige are boyfriend and girlfriend,” Jess said. “Where did you even get this idea? I’m just sayin’, the idea is ridiculous.” Sometimes Jess not having a filter was good because it got her point out in the open rather than beating around the bush.
“Ridiculous, you say? Then why did he give me this?” Chloe held up a paper that Jess snatched and read to herself. When she was done, she handed it to me. But I didn’t have to read it.
I already knew what it said, because Tao hadn’t written it.
I had.

The Girl Who Ruined Christmas
by Cindy Callaghan
Published 12 October 2021
Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary Fiction
Page Count: 140
Add it to your Goodreads TBR!
Award-winning middle-grade Christmas novel from the author of Just Add Magic and Saltwater Secrets…
Imagine you’re a tween visiting a small town that loves nothing more than its prize fir—a perfect Christmas tree destined for the White House. Now picture yourself accidentally destroying that tree, making you public enemy number one. Lastly, imagine that to repay your debt, you have to remain in said town for the Christmas season.
That’s what happens to Brady Bancroft.When Brady ruins Harper Hollow Fall’s prize tree, she’s sentenced to stay in the holiday-festooned town for the month of December. At first, she couldn’t be more depressed about the whole situation; but during her month there, she is surprised to discover that there’s much more than pine needles to the little town holding her captive. In the end, Harper Hollow Falls reminds Brady of the true meaning of Christmas—and she, in turn, saves the town.
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“Not exactly a warm welcome,” Mom says. “But I guess it’s no surprise that they’re mad about the factory.” To me she asks, “Do you want cider?”
“Yeah.” I shiver. “Right after I get a picture of those Clydesdales for InstaPic.”
“OK. We’ll meet you inside,” Mom says, and then she and Dad walk toward Blitzen’s.
I am navigating through the crowd to the horses when I see a tall, lanky woman with long brown hair pushed back by earmuffs step up to a podium. She holds a megaphone and plops a top hat on her head. “Hello, neighbors. It’s time to say goodbye to our little gem—well, not so little. Am I right?” She laughs at herself with a snort.
She continues, “I always knew someone from Harper Hollow Falls would make it to Washington, DC to meet the president of the United States. I’d hoped it would be one of our high-school graduates, maybe the Grossman boy, am I right?” She slaps her leg and the crowd howls with laughter. She’s like a stand-up comedian. I overhear people standing next to me refer to her as the mayor, and say that “She’s always hysterical, don’t you think?”
“But seriously, folks, this is an honor just the same. A special moment in our town’s colorful history. Please join me in wishing our tree good luck.” Then she calls out louder, “Good luck, tree. Represent Harper Hollow Falls well and make us proud.”
Everyone shouts well wishes to the tree. The noise causes the horses to shake their manes, and I notice a boy . . . a cute boy . . . patting them to assure them that everything is fine.
This is all so cool. I have to post a pic to make Allie Moskowitz jelly of me.
I examine myself in the shot, slide the stocking cap off my head, and fix my hair. I make a super cute smile.
My flash goes off as I snap a selfie with the Clydesdales, the White House Christmas tree, and the cute guy in the background.
At the blink of the flash, one of the horses freaks! I mean, freaks!
He bucks, making another horse neigh loudly. Horses Three and Four swing their bushy manes. Then all four storm off with a thunderous clop-clop, pulling the wagon, its driver, and White House Christmas tree with the might of a runaway train.
The driver snaps the reins, struggling to get the wagon under control, but the horses make a sharp change of direction.
The driver is thrown off right before the wagon crashes into a telephone pole with enough oomph that the horses break loose, galloping away into the dark, snowy night.
The onlookers oooh.
Then they fall silent as the telephone pole knocks over a streetlight, which slowly falls onto the White House Christmas tree.
Everyone’s mouth hangs open.
After a few dreadful moments, sparks jump from the telephone pole, the remaining streetlights go out, and Harper Hollow Falls’ prize gem glows with amber flames.
All eyes go in the same direction, toward a girl.
That girl would be me: Brady Bancroft.

About the Author

Cindy Callaghan is the award-winning author of eleven MG novels including JUST ADD MAGIC and JUST ADD MAGIC 2: POTION PROBLEMS, which were made into an Emmy-nominated Amazon Original series now in its fifth season and distributed world-wide via Nickelodeon. She’s well-known for the best-selling Lost In… books: LOST IN LONDON, LOST IN PARIS, LOST IN ROME, LOST IN HOLLYWOOD, and LOST IN IRELAND. Her Agatha award-winning stand-alone SYDNEY MACKENZIE KNOCKS ‘EM DEAD sells out every year around Halloween.
Her 2020 book SALTWATER SECRETS, which is nominated for an Agatha Award, won Delaware Press Association and National Federation of Press Women’s awards, and two International Book Awards, is set up by a major studio.
Triple-award-winning THE GIRL WHO RUINED CHRISTMAS, (October 2021) sold out its first print run before Thanksgiving. MY BIG HEART-SHAPED FAIL has won three awards since it’s 2022 launch. These books along with original concepts are actively being shopped to producers, networks and streamers along with Cindy’s robust portfolio of original features and series.
A Jersey girl at heart, Cindy lives in Delaware with her family and rescued-pets.
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Thank you for posting about My Big Heart-Shaped Fail, this sounds like a book and series that my teen-aged granddaughters and I will enjoy reading
The excerpt sure brought back my younger days. Sounds like a fun read and I love the title.