The best revenge never includes forgiveness. To truly punish the guilty, something worse must be done to them.

Welcome to the February 27th stop on the blog tour for Vindictive Too by Ryan Lawrence with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, more guest posts, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
Do I Have A Favourite Scene?
Occasionally I get asked, “What is your favourite scene in the book?” With Vindictive, I don’t believe I’ve ever answered that question, and I’m not sure I can or ever will. At least not to anyone’s satisfaction. When I think of a scene in my first novel that tickles me, another one that thrills me immediately comes to mind. Then, a dramatically poignant scene pops into my head, making me pause to question if perhaps that is my favourite scene. I fear I have too many “favourite scenes” in Vindictive ever to pick one standout.
However, with Vindictive Too, one absolutely sticks out among many great scenes. It exists in Chapter 11: Jules Cartell and Jacques Bergé discuss their complicated relationship while having lunch in a restaurant. You see, Vindictive Too contains chapter sections that expand specific scenes in Vindictive. I intentionally wrote these scenes in my first novel this way to leave room for additional theme and character development exploration; there was every intention of revisiting them in the second book. My goal was to mesh these scenes seamlessly between the two books without either one needing the other to feel complete or coherent. I’m especially proud of this particular interaction between Jules and Jacques.
In Vindictive, the focus of the conversation does not revolve around the problematic nature of their relationship; however, a single narrative sentence indicates they briefly discussed it. In Vindictive Too, that hinted-at discussion is fully disclosed to the reader in vivid detail.
The lovers’ quarrel begins when Jacques attempts to hold Jules’s hand in the crowded restaurant. When Jules pulls her arm back, noticing eyes on them, Jacques loses his composure and, frustrated, finally claims he doesn’t care about exposure: they are married to other people. This begins a vigorous dialogue about love, betrayal, infidelity, emotional cheating, and a person’s true moral character. It really is one of the few times Jules drops her “Ice-Queen” demeanour (especially on view in Vindictive) and gets real with Jacques about a future where they can publicly be “more than friends.” The intimate confessions and explosive revelations regarding their complex relationship will illuminate much of the truth of their connection and probable fate. Will their love and behaviour appear justified or unforgivably adulterous to the reader once Jules and Jacques put it all on the table? I love this scene for its brutal, uncompromising honesty.
So when it comes to Vindictive Too, I do have a favourite scene. While there have been many instances where I have worked my own thoughts, feelings, and beliefs into my books, it is with the character of Jules Cartell where I think my “authentic voice” slips in the most. So, reader, do you have a favourite scene in my Vindictive books?
About the Book

Vindictive Too
by Ryan Lawrence
Published 12 December 2022
Tellwell Talent
Genre: LGBTQIA+ Thriller
Page Count: 357
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The best revenge never includes forgiveness. To truly punish the guilty, something worse must be done to them.
A chain of vengeful events is set in motion when a man’s brutally murdered body is found in an alley behind a seedy bar. Inspector Declan James is put on the victim’s case, only to discover his intimate connection to the slain man. After a not-by-chance meeting with the mysterious Véronique, a woman on a mission to right a terrible wrong, Declan finds himself mired in an intricate web of corruption, lies, and coverups.
Marie and Jacques Bergé, the owners of the internationally renowned Château Bergé, act publically as the pinnacle of society and wealth, but behind closed doors, their lives are in turmoil. From Marie’s erratic behaviour and bizarre disappearances to Jacques’s not-so-secret love for another woman, Fairporte’s “it” couple teeters on the edge of destruction.
In the shadows, a bearded man, powerful and dark of heart, secretly orchestrates his machiavellian manoeuvres from a place of sadism and despair.
From the bustling core to the rustic outskirts of Fairporte, ON, secrets, suffering, and rage are found everywhere. As the cruel desire pain, the wronged seek retribution, and the fragile break, will anyone get their revenge before death or madness claim them?
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Marie had on one of her classic Chanel suits. As she often told Jacques, it aided in making her feel safe, powerful, and confident. Feelings she rarely ever felt without material assistance.
“I’m sorry I worried you,” Marie sighed, but her apology lacked emotion. She desperately wanted to embrace her husband, reciprocate the warmth of his affection and scream her secrets into the air for him to hear. She wanted him to tell her everything would be alright, that he would always protect her, and that he would not think less of her knowing the truth of her past.
Instead, like always, she forced a smile, told him how handsome he looked, and went back to being silent. Marie’s resolve to reveal nothing was steel.
“Marie, whatever is bothering you, please tell me. Let me in.”
Jacques often tried to break through Marie’s hard shell of insecurity and secrecy, but her armour was damn near impenetrable. Sometimes he succeeded, and she fell into his arms and their bed. Partially succeeded, truthfully, as revelations and secrets never escaped her lips. He never pried deeply.
Even when Marie occasionally cried softly during their love-making, Jacques believed his wife was mainly happy with her life with him and their children. He knew she could be even happier if she let down her walls.
Jacques was nothing if not a true Frenchman: romantic to the core. He whisked Marie away on trips to distant countries for adventures most people could never afford to experience. Jacques showered her with gifts, including designer clothes and Tiffany jewels. He made sure Marie would never want for anything. The secular needs were easy; the emotional ones were harder to assuage.
About the Author

Ryan Lawrence was born and raised in Guelph, ON, and he is a graduate of the University of Guelph in English Literature. Ryan lives in London, ON, with his husband, Todd, their cat Dora, and his massive comic book collection that once fell on Todd. He’s okay.
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Giveaway Alert!
Ryan Lawrence will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
Feb 13 | The Avid Reader | Feb 13 | It’s Raining Books |
Feb 20 | Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews | Feb 27 | Westveil Publishing |
Mar 6 | Sandra’s Book Club | Mar 13 | All the Ups and Downs |
Mar 20 | Fabulous and Brunette | Mar 27 | Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books! |
Mar 27 | Long and Short Reviews | Apr 3 | Gina Rae Mitchell |
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Thanks for hosting!
This sounds really good.
The book sounds very intriguing. Great cover!