As a wife, mom and former corporate go-getter, Cheryl knows firsthand the frustration of trying to do it all and feeling that none of it is good enough.
Welcome to one of the November 9th stops on the blog tour for Measure, Mix & Marinate by Cheryl Schuberth with iRead Book Tours (schedule linked.) Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, author guest posts & interviews, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
One Step at a Time
For the past ten years or so, I knew I wanted to write a book, but didn’t know what to write about. At one point, I considered a children’s book as it seemed like it might be simpler, but quickly realized that wasn’t my voice.
When the world shut down last year, my family started a weekly activity making dinner from a different culture each week. As I posted our results on social media, a friend of my husband’s suggested I write a book and the idea was planted.
Just prior to the shutdown, I had parted ways with my employer so that I could spend more time with my teenage sons, not knowing a pandemic was going to force that anyway. During the previous few years, I had begun more internal reflection and personal development and as I contemplated what a book about cooking with my kids would look like, I realized there were many lessons from my professional journey, as well. I decided to intertwine what I was learning about myself while in the kitchen with my kids with my personal and professional lessons and share a few of our recipes while I was at it.
Writing the book was a bit like journaling about my entire life. I had always been careful not to be too vulnerable and open about my own deficiencies, especially in a professional setting, and now I was willingly sharing my ups and downs for the whole world to read. I’m still a little nervous, but also excited to connect with those who I may have not connected with previously.
One of the key themes in my book is to stop waiting to do the thing you’ve always wanted to do. You don’t have to have it all figured out in order to start. As I explored the concept of releasing a book, I talked with several writers and met with various people in the publishing space to better understand what it even takes to publish a book. Each conversation took me farther down the path.
Whether it’s writing a book, picking up a new hobby or starting a new career, just take that first step. Learn, adjust and make another move. You may decide that it’s not the right direction for you. But at least you’ll know and can focus on something that is.
About the Book

Measure, Mix & Marinate
Embracing the Key Ingredients to a More Fulfilling Life
by Cheryl Schuberth
Published 25 August 2021
Key Ingredients
Genre: Non-Fiction, Personal Growth, Memoir
Page Count: 174
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As a wife, mom and former corporate go-getter, Cheryl knows firsthand the frustration of trying to do it all and feeling that none of it is good enough. As the world slowed down for a global pandemic, Cheryl inspected her own life and who she wanted to become—who she needed to become—to serve at her highest level. Much of this discovery occurred in the kitchen during playful evenings side-by-side with her sons, husband, and mother. Their time together led Cheryl to realize that how you measure your priorities, mix them in with your life experiences, and marinate on and adjust to the results determines the direction of your life.
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About the Author

Cheryl Schuberth is a graduate of the University of California San Diego and a respected corporate leader.
As a wife, mom, and former corporate go-getter, Cheryl knows firsthand the frustration of trying to do it all and feeling that none of it is good enough. After twenty-five years leading and coaching teams in the male-dominated technology space, she stepped away from that world and embarked on a mission to enhance her relationships with her teenage sons and, at the same time, empower other working women to become more curious about their options and reevaluate their priorities.
She now coaches women to help them feel their best, increase their confidence, and put themselves at the top of the list. Cheryl lives outside Boulder, CO, where she enjoys hiking, skiing, and all things outdoors.
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Giveaway Alert!
Enter to win $25 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Cheryl Schuberth, author of MEASURE, MIX, AND MARINATE (one winner) (ends Nov 19)
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I enjoyed the guest post, Cheryl and your book sounds like it would be very beneficial for me to read it! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a spectacular holiday season!
Thank you! And I hope you enjoy the book! Happy Holidays to you!
Sounds like a good book.