“As creative as it is absurd, Game of Gnomes is a wonderfully funny, fantasy adventure for adults.”

Welcome to one of the many stops on the book blitz for the Game of Gnomes series by M. J. Northwood with Storytellers on Tour. Look for others participating in this blitz across social media and on your favourite bookish blogs August 18-20, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway! More on that at the end of this post. #gameofgnomes #storytellersontour #readindie
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About the Books

The Necrognomicon
Game of Gnomes Book One
by M.J. Northwood
Published 22 May 2020
Critical Tales
Genre: Humor, Fantasy
Page Count: 111
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CW: Body horror, bullying, fatphobia, gore, violence, police (guard) brutality, racial bigotry (against gnomes)
Every hurdle in a gnome’s life is just a little bit bigger. After years apart, the three gnomes Gassy, Borty, and Turdlet aim to scale the tallest of challenges a thief can face: The Crimicompetition.
Fighting for the clout against MagInc—a corporation of unimaginable influence—the gnomes are about to discover how small honour amongst thieves can get.
And so begins the Game of Gnomes
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A Gnome Hope
Game of Gnomes Book Two
by M.J. Northwood
Published 6 August 2021
Critical Tales
Genre: Humor, Fantasy
Page Count: 228
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Intrigue. Explosions. Illicit Magic Abuse.
These morally questionable ingredients make up another outrageous adventure from Gassy, Borty, and Turdlet. With the Crimicon long in the past, the gnomes find themselves bouncing from one criminal caper to another until an encounter with a familiar face reveals a nobler path.
Will they answer the righteous call and save the day? Or will emotionally scarring misadventures lead them astray?
The stakes are higher, the story’s bigger, but our heroes are just as small.
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About the Author

A Co-Founder of Critical Tales, M. J. Northwood has taken his years of storytelling experience and gathered it into his latest books.
Regardless of the media format, M. J. Northwood adores telling fresh and exciting stories that plays with the reader’s imagination while tickling that rather childish funny-bone many of us adults still have.
After winning a competition at a younger age, M. J. worked towards creating his first full-length novel under commission. After spending a few years travelling and living in Japan, he delivered his first book.
Soon after, M. J. independently developed Game of Gnomes: The Necrognomicon. He worked tirelessly with a few friends to found Critical Tales and give Game of Gnomes the launch it deserved.
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Giveaway Alert!
Prize: One of three paperback copies of Game of Gnomes: The Necrognomicon by M. J. Northwood – UK Only
Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
I love the puns in these titles!